
What do you aspire to do?

Liz bike racing2.jpg

I aspire to help you.

Liz Goetz

My Background

I completed my first triathlon when I was 30. I needed a new goal and something to boost my confidence. My job was stressful and was taking a toll on my mental and physical state.  I could swim, bike and run, but never thought I could complete all three events nonstop. I joined a triathlon training program at a local YMCA.  For four months, I dragged myself to the pool, to the local track, or to a local bike trail.  On race day, I was nervous, but excited.  Despite a brief panic in the lake, and flipping over my mountain bike handlebars during my dismount, I proudly finished the race.  The race did more than just get me in shape.  Completion gave me long-lasting courage and confidence that carried over in all aspects of my life.  This is why I became a coach and personal trainer.  I want to help you feel strong both physically and mentally.

Coaching and preparing an individual for a race, then watching them cross the finish line, is the reason why I love personal training.  I am floored every time one of my clients reaches a milestone, whether it’s to improve their race time, learn how to run again after an injury, or being able to pick up their grand kids.

In addition to triathlon training experience, I hold a personal training certification from the American Council of Exercise. I also have a Master's Degree in Public Administration and worked in the environmental field for many years. I understand the challenges facing busy executives and the importance of maintaining a healthy life/work balance.


  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer

  • TRX Suspension Qualified Trainer

  • Mad Dogg Certified Spinning/Indoor Cycling Instructor

  • FAI Functional Aging Specialist

  • Red Cross Certified CPR/AED & First Aid

  • Myofascial Compression Techniques for Injury Prevention and Better Movement

Areas of Specialty

  • Strength Training

  • Weight Loss and Toning

  • Flexibility, Mobility, and Balance

  • Corrective Action for Pain and Muscular Imbalances

  • Pre and Postnatal Pregnancy